Monday, October 03, 2005

Bennett Resigns

In the wake of his controversial comments on his radio show, Bennett has resigned as employee, Chairman and Board Member of K12, Inc, saying:
I am in the midst of a political battle based on a coordinated campaign willfully distorting my views, my record, and my statements. Given the controversy surrounding there marks I made on my radio show, I am stepping down from my positions at K12,so that neither the mission of the company, nor its children, are affected,distracted, or harmed in any way.
There's that trademark conservative accountability again. Mr. Bennett, you have no one but yourself to blame for the predicament you now find yourself in. But if your political opponents have taken this opportunity to milk it for all it's worth, then they are beginning to learn from the tactics of the best: the right wing smear machine. If you guys can dish it, you'd better learn how to take it.


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