Thursday, August 05, 2004

Springsteen Endorses Kerry/Edwards

In an OpEd article in the New York Times today, Bruce Springsteen adds his voice to the chorus of those who call for action this election year, as "the stakes have risen too high to sit this election out." He calls the goal of himself and all those participating in the Vote For Change concerts "to change the direction of the government and change the current administration come November." He also offers this stinging indictment of the Bush administration:

Like many others, in the aftermath of 9/11, I felt the country's unity. I don't remember anything quite like it. I supported the decision to enter Afghanistan and I hoped that the seriousness of the times would bring forth strength, humility and wisdom in our leaders. Instead, we dived headlong into an unnecessary war in Iraq, offering up the lives of our young men and women under circumstances that are now discredited. We ran record deficits, while simultaneously cutting and squeezing services like afterschool programs. We granted tax cuts to the richest 1 percent (corporate bigwigs, well-to-do guitar players), increasing the division of wealth that threatens to destroy our social contract with one another and render mute the promise of "one nation indivisible."

Let the wingnut cd destroying commence.


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